Special Edition Webinar - AML Compliance Officer Training - May 2019

The Annual Report


Anti-Money Laundering   

From 1 October 2018, all accounting practices captured by the Anti-Money Laundering rules are required to have a Compliance Officer who is responsible for reporting to the DIA and FIU.    

The AML/CFT Act provides an obligation on accounting practices that  Compliance Officers receive ongoing training in AML matters. We will provide a webinar tailored for the Compliance Officer's roles and responsibilities.

This webinar will cover:

  • The Annual Report - a more in-depth look at the requirements due 31 August 2019
  • Conducting Due Diligence - common questions
  • What is Enhanced Due Diligence for PTRs?
  • FAQ and Recent News.

CPD Hours and Recordings

This webinar has 1.00 CPD Hour.

The recording and the slides will be sent to you shortly.


Michael Turner

Michael is a Tax Partner at Polson Higgs and has presented extensively on tax matters over the last 20 years. He is currently a member of the Institute's National Tax Advisory Group and has previously been a lecturer at the University of Otago, in Taxation. He also advises a large number of small businesses, Chartered Accountants and Lawyers on tax issues. 

Caron Solomon-Ward

Caron is a Tax Consultant in our Tax Division. She works with a variety of commercial and not-for-profit clients in a range of areas. She has a background in policy implementation and is experienced with IRD debt management and audit interactions.

Who should attend?

This webinar has been designed in particular for all AML Compliance Officers

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